
Stripe ## Elon Musk's Car Collection: From Bond Villain Rides to Electric Dreams Elon Musk, the visionary entrepreneur behind Tesla and SpaceX, is a man of many tastes. This is reflected in his eclectic car collection, which ranges from a classic James Bond movie submarine car to the cutting-edge electric vehicles he himself produces. **From Humble Beginnings to High-Tech Powerhouses** Musk's car journey started with a practical choice - a 1978 BMW 320i. But his love for speed and iconic vehicles soon took hold. He acquired a 1997 McLaren F1, the pinnacle of automotive design at the time, and a 2006 BMW M5 by Hamann Motorsport, a testament to his appreciation for German engineering. **A Touch of 007 Flair** Any Elon Musk car collection wouldn't be complete without a nod to his pop culture interests. He owns the actual Lotus Esprit submarine car from the James Bond movie "The Spy Who Loved Me" - who wouldn't want a real-life Bond gadget in their garage? **Tesla Takes Center Stage** Of course, Tesla holds a special place in Musk's automotive heart. The 2010 Tesla Roadster, the electric sports car that started it all, is a reminder of the company's origins. This particular Roadster achieved internet fame in 2018 when it was launched into space aboard a SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket with a mannequin astronaut nicknamed "Starman" at the wheel. For everyday driving, Musk reportedly favors the Model S Performance, praising its versatility and speed. He also utilizes the Model X's unique falcon-wing doors for his large family. The futuristic Cybertruck also finds a spot in his collection, a symbol of Tesla's ambition to push the boundaries of car design. **A Collection That Reflects a Visionary** Elon Musk's car collection is more than just a display of wealth. It showcases his diverse interests, his appreciation for innovation, and his role in shaping the future of transportation. From classics to electric marvels, each car reflects a different facet of this complex and visionary leader.

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